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Хроники Lineage 2:
Goddess of Destruction

Last Judgment - skill, enchant +2 Earth Attack in Lineage 2 Goddess of Destruction

Информация об умении (скиле):

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Last Judgment

Уровень 8
Улучшен может быть только скилл максимального уровня.

+2 Earth Attack
Increases earth damage.

Заточен на

Attacks the selected target with 11231 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.

Дополнительная информация об умении (скилле):
Тип скилла: Активный
Радиус действия: 40
Потребляется MP: 79 (в момент клика по скиллу)
Потребляется HP: 0 (в момент клика по скиллу)
Время каста скилла: 1.2 сек.
Время отката скилла: 6 сек.

Все уровни заточки (улучшения) - Earth Attack - данного скилла:

Иконка Название MP HP
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 11007 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 11231 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 11455 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 11689 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 11922 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 12406 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 12910 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 13433 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 13977 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0
Earth Attack
;| Last Judgment (Страшный Суд)
Attacks the selected target with 14542 power added to P. Atk, and Speed - 30%. Can be used while a sword/blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit. Critical. Enchant Elemental Attack Earth: Bestows earth attribute.
79 0


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Все права на игру Lineage 2 и всего, что к ней относится, принадлежат NCSoft.
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Выберите хроники:

с середины 2010 года
High Five part 5
с начала 2011 года
Goddess of Destruction
с конца 2011 года

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