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Выбрано 02.07.2024 19:00

Хроники Lineage 2:

Blessings of Pa'agrio - skill, enchant +7 Time in Lineage 2 Freya

Информация об умении (скиле):

RU Русское <- Описание -> Английское EN
Blessings of Pa'agrio

Уровень 3
Улучшен может быть только скилл максимального уровня.

+7 Time
Increases the effect's duration by 40 seconds.

Заточен на

Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 24 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.

Дополнительная информация об умении (скилле):
Тип скилла: Активный
Радиус действия: Нету
Потребляется MP: 188 (в момент клика по скиллу)
Потребляется HP: 0 (в момент клика по скиллу)
Время каста скилла: 2.5 сек.
Время отката скилла: 5 сек.

Все уровни заточки (улучшения) - Time - данного скилла:

Иконка Название MP HP
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 20 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 21 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 22 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 22 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 23 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 24 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 24 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 25 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 26 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 26 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 27 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 28 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 28 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 29 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 30 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 30 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 31 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 32 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 32 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 33 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 34 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 34 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 35 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 36 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 36 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 37 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 38 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 38 minutes 40 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 39 minutes 20 seconds. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0
;| Blessings of Pa'agrio (Благословение Паагрио)
Increases the P. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 40 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.
188 0


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